Apryl K. B. Lopez

The Descent (The Cavern Series, #0)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393621694
EAN 9781393621690
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Apryl K.B. Lopez
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Sera has languished on her brother Mikah's military base for too long, feeling useless and focusing on her many regrets. Sure, she helps incoming refugees-the results of the ongoing Genetics War-but she was a lead diplomat for the Gen-Ens, or genetically enhanced humans. Then, Mikah decided he needed her close and unable to affect the war effort. Under Mikah's leadership, all attempts at peace have failed, and the Naturals-those untouched by genetic experiments-will invade within forty-eight hours.
Now, Sera must try to save people outside the base, but her brother orders her to stay at headquarters. He demands she evacuate to an underground bunker he commissioned for his eventual Phase Two. Sera has always suspected this Phase Two might be nuclear in nature, so she is more determined than ever to save as many people as she can. With the help of her best friend James-who grew up as a Natural control in the experiments that produced the Gen-Ens-she escapes the base and searches the surrounding forest for traveling refugees.
Once she finds a family to save, Sera and James need to get back to headquarters in one piece. Unfortunately, that proves more difficult than Sera originally planned, and she's soon faced with more regrets than she started with. Will Sera come to grips with her past-and forgive herself for all the people she's failed-or descend into the darkness of grief and remorse?
This short novella is a prequel to The Cavern and will entertain readers of new adult fiction complete with action, adventure, and confronting personal regret. Young adult readers of The Cavern can read and enjoy The Descent. The main characters are in their mid-twenties, but most of the action, dialogue, and issues dealt with are written similarly to those in The Cavern.

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