Arianna Courson

Alpha Bane (The Bane Saga, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798223488569
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Arianna Courson
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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"You're dangerous and addicting; every part of you screams insanity... but you're like a ghost; something that I want to touch, but my hand goes right through you."
I'm not normal.
No, I'm definitely not normal.
Most of the world doesn't know that werewolves exist, but I do. He thinks I don't know what he is, and he thinks I don't notice his eyes on me while I do my homework at the coffee shop, but I do.
Bane Johnathan is the most dreaded, attractive, dangerous alpha in the entire nation; girls swoon over him like millions of little night dancers.
But his eyes are always on me.
Something about me interests him, and I've noticed through the years that he feels some power over ignoring me when I come up to him, but I'm the one with the power.
He watches me, he can't stop; something about me captivates him, and I choose to ignore his stares even when it angers him.
I don't care if little old Bane is angry. Right now? There's something else on my mind.
There's a new pack out there; a pack of corrupted werewolves lingering through the woods and killing humans, and I know Bane knows something about it, and I can tell they're plotting something.
I need to put down my book.
It's time to go up and question him.
And boy did I regret it.


Arianna Courson is an author of young adult fiction, specializing in paranormal, fantasy, and romance. She lives in Colorado with her two cats and two dogs and divides her time between writing and enjoying the great outdoors.

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