
Aristoteles: Metaphysik, Nikomachische Ethik, Das Organon, Die Physik & Die Dichtkunst

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 1700 Seiten
ISBN 8075834151
EAN 9788075834157
Veröffentlicht Juni 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Musaicum Books
Übersetzer Übersetzt von Alfred Gudeman, Adolf Lasson, J. H. Von Kirchmann
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Aristoteles' collection of works entitled 'Metaphysik, Nikomachische Ethik, Das Organon, Die Physik & Die Dichtkunst' delves into various aspects of philosophy and poetry, showcasing the author's profound insights and intellectual prowess. The book combines metaphysical inquiries, ethical considerations, logical analyses, physical observations, and poetic reflections, illustrating Aristoteles' versatile talents and comprehensive understanding of the human experience. His literary style is characterized by logical reasoning and systematic exploration, making his writings a cornerstone of Western philosophy. Aristoteles, known as one of the greatest philosophers of ancient Greece, was a student of Plato and a mentor to Alexander the Great. His prolific writings cover a wide range of subjects, from ethics and politics to theology and aesthetics, shaping the development of Western thought for centuries to come. It was his relentless pursuit of knowledge and his dedication to preserving and expanding upon the teachings of his predecessors that led him to produce this seminal collection of works. For readers interested in delving into the depths of classical philosophy and poetry, Aristoteles' 'Metaphysik, Nikomachische Ethik, Das Organon, Die Physik & Die Dichtkunst' is a must-read. This comprehensive compilation offers a unique glimpse into the mind of a brilliant thinker whose ideas continue to resonate in the modern world, challenging readers to contemplate the fundamental questions of existence and morality.

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