
Aristoteles: Metaphysik, Nikomachische Ethik, Das Organon, Die Physik & Die Dichtkunst

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 1700 Seiten
EAN 8596547769446
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2023
Verlag/Hersteller DigiCat
Übersetzer Übersetzt von Adolf Lasson, J. H. Von Kirchmann, Alfred Gudeman
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In 'Aristoteles: Metaphysik, Nikomachische Ethik, Das Organon, Die Physik & Die Dichtkunst,' readers are provided with a comprehensive examination of the fundamental aspects of Aristotle's philosophy. The 'Metaphysics' delves into ontology, challenging Plato's theory of Forms with a focus on concrete particulars as the essential reality. The 'Nicomachean Ethics' guides one through the virtues necessary for eudaimonia, or human flourishing, emphasizing a balance between intellectual and character virtues. Through the 'Organon,' Aristotle articulates his formal system of logic, while 'On the Art of Poetry' introduces the concept of catharsis in tragedy as an emotional purgation. Lastly, 'Physics' explores the principles of natural philosophy, discussing core concepts such as space, time, motion, and causality, providing a non-mathematical framework for understanding the natural world.
Aristotle, a towering figure of ancient Greek philosophy, pupil of Plato and tutor to Alexander the Great, has left an indelible mark on Western thought. His approach often contrasts with his Platonic education, as he favors empirical observation and particularism over universals. This collection reflects the depth of Aristotle's intellectual range, drawing on his lifetime of learning and teaching. His works represent a monumental leap in critical thinking, laying the foundational works in ethics, logic, aesthetics, and physical science, forming a corpus that has influenced countless subsequent scholars across diverse fields.
This anthology is an indispensable resource for both newcomers to Aristotle and seasoned scholars. The interwoven themes and methodologies found across these texts offer a rich tapestry of classical philosophy that is essential to understanding the development of Western intellectual tradition. The collection illuminates central questions of existence, ethics, and knowledge through a lens that balances abstract theorization with practical wisdom and empirical research, making it an invaluable asset to those seeking to grasp the underpinnings of philosophy, science, and the arts.


Aristotle (384-322 BCE), a towering figure in ancient Greek philosophy, is an intellectual force whose works have profoundly influenced Western thought. Born in Stagira, Chalcidic, he was Plato's most prominent student at the Academy and later established his own school, the Lyceum, in Athens. Aristotle's contributions span a range of disciplines, including metaphysics, ethics, logic, and natural sciences. In 'Metaphysik,' he explores the concept of being and substance, forming the foundation of ontological studies for centuries to come. His 'Nikomachische Ethik' is a pivotal work in ethical philosophy, where he introduces his theory of virtue ethics, emphasizing character and flourishing as the ultimate goals of human life. 'Das Organon' comprises a series of books outlining his systematic approach to logic and syllogism, which remained the backbone of logical inquiry until the 19th century. 'Die Physik' reflects Aristotle's observations and theories concerning natural phenomena, shaping the scientific method. Furthermore, his 'Die Dichtkunst,' or 'Poetics,' provides seminal insights into literary theory, particularly his definitions of tragedy and the concept of catharsis. Collectively, Aristotle's works demonstrate a methodical approach to inquiry known as Aristotelian philosophy, characterized by empirical observations and logical analysis. His treatises found new audiences in the Islamic Golden Age and the European medieval period, ensuring his ideas would permeate numerous fields of study for generations.

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