Arnd Pollmann


Aufnahme einer sozialphilosophischen Personalie. 'Edition Moderne Postmoderne'. 2. , überarbeitete Auflage. Kt.
kartoniert , 408 Seiten
ISBN 3837636410
EAN 9783837636413
Veröffentlicht Juni 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Transcript Verlag
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What does it mean to possess integrity? In the late-modern era of capitalism it is becoming increasingly difficult to retain one's `integrity'. Growing social disintegration and alienation mean that personal attributes such as 'incorruptibility', `remaining truthful to oneself', 'honesty', integrity, and 'inviolability' have become increasingly important. To date, there has been no philosophical theory that has managed to comprehensively illuminate and convey these different dimensions of meaning related to the term integrity. With "Integrity", we now have the first German-language monograph on the subject, which opens up a perspective on the threats and damage to integrity that are typical of our time.


Arnd Pollmann (Prof. Dr. phil.) lehrt und forscht auf den Gebieten der Politischen Philosophie, insbesondere der Menschenrechte, der Sozialphilosophie, der Ethik und der Moralphilosophie. Er ist Professor für Ethik und Sozialphilosophie an der Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin und u.a. leitender Redakteur des philosophischen Online-Magazins