Arnold Mindell

The Deep Democracy of Open Forums

Practical Steps to Conflict Prevention and Resolution for the Family, Workplace, and World. Sprache: Englisch.
kartoniert , 216 Seiten
ISBN 1571742301
EAN 9781571742308
Veröffentlicht November 2002
Verlag/Hersteller Red Wheel
20,50 inkl. MwSt.
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In 1994 Arnold Mindell released a seminal work entitled The Leader as Martial Artist (HarperSanFrancisco). This influential book introduced the concept of "Deep Democracy, " a form of conflict resolution that seeks to heal communities by resolving the shadow issues that lurk beneath the surface and stir up real trouble. Since it's introduction, Deep Democracy has been on the minds and lips of such influential leaders as Al Gore, Hilary Clinton, and Ralph Nader.
Now, Mindell takes his groundbreaking work a step further with The Deep Democracy of Open Forums. Providing practical conflict-resolution techniques for groups of 3 to 3,000, Deep Democracy is a perfect choice for would-be leaders of family groups, schools, and corporations, anyone wanting to get at the true root of conflict and solve issues for good.
Think of it as a modern-day Robert's Rules of Order based on organically and emotionally correct principles of human dynamics and interaction.
-- From an author and psychologist whose fifteen books have sold nearly 300,000 copies
-- Provides would-be facilitators a step-by-step training program for setting up and managing an open community forum, including:
-- preparing and informing yourself on an issue
-- being clear about your personal goals and getting past your fear
-- whom to invite and how to advertise the event
-- dealing with conflict as it arises in the forum
-- making sure all parties feel comfortable speaking their minds
-- how to follow up.