Arthur Nightbane

Moonlit Thirst: A Comprehensive Exploration of Vampire Lore and Reality

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230718734
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Antillas Publishing House
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Step into the shadows and uncover the truths hidden within one of humanity's most captivating myths. Moonlit Thirst: A Comprehensive Exploration of Vampire Lore and Reality offers an immersive journey into the world of vampires, from ancient folklore to modern culture, blending history, psychology, and cultural analysis to reveal the depth and complexity of these timeless legends.
With Moonlit Thirst, you will:- Uncover History's Secrets: Trace the origins of vampire myths across cultures and centuries, learning how they reflect societal fears, moral dilemmas, and historical events.- Explore Symbolism and Psychology: Understand how vampires embody our deepest desires, fears, and struggles, offering insights into human nature and our fascination with immortality and forbidden power.- Learn About Real Communities: Discover modern individuals and subcultures who embrace vampirism as a lifestyle, revealing how myths continue to shape identity and culture today.- Gain a New Perspective on Pop Culture: Dive into the transformation of vampires from terrifying revenants to gothic antiheroes, uncovering how literature, film, and media have redefined the undead for each generation.- Engage Your Imagination: Find inspiration in the myths and stories that challenge the boundaries of life, death, and humanity itself.
Whether you're a fan of gothic tales, a lover of history, or someone curious about the intersection of myth and reality, Moonlit Thirst will leave you with a deeper understanding of the enduring allure of vampires and what they reveal about our ever-evolving world. Dive into the night and emerge with newfound knowledge, insight, and fascination.

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