Ascending Vibrations

Chakras for Beginners: A Mini Chakra Guide to Supercharged Healing & Elevated Well-Being via Yoga, Meditation, Stones, & a Treasure Trove of Energetic Discoveries (Beginner Spirituality Short Reads)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798215868003
Veröffentlicht Januar 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Ascending Vibrations
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Always wanted to know how to easily understand & supercharge your body's energy centers but always end up overwhelmed?
Chakras are an ancient & spiritual part of life that countless people have sought to bring happiness, fullness, & balance into their lives. Countless generations have passed this practice on for thousands of years. The fact that chakra work is still a practice in the 21st century proves that the benefits of chakra alignment & balancing have long-lasting effects & will continue to have an impact in the future.
Unfortunately, so many people are stuck in suffering because they don't realize how simple it is to benefit from understanding the chakras. To function well, chakras need to remain open & balanced. If they become blocked or unbalanced, they can cause a wide variety of physical & mental symptoms since they are connected to our nerves, organs, mentality, & much more. What chakra blockages or imbalances are you suffering from right now?
Want to know how easy it is to direct energy to your chakras to unblock or balance them? It's easier than you think.
While seated, gradually lift your legs one at a time. Work your core chakra without distracting your mind. This brings energy into the solar plexus.Breathe the Prana (life-force energy) from the universe into your stomach & hold it there before releasing your breath. Imagine a bright yellow flame in the middle of your abdomen, glowing & warming you as you fill that chakra with self-confidence, igniting your self-potential. (You can supercharge this exercise by chanting the seed mantra for this chakra: "Ram.")
You'll discover:The tiny movement you can do from literally anywhere that snowballs solar plexus energyAncient discoveries of our energy centers & how they can help us today The supportive energy center that can be difficult to manage & the overlooked reasons whyAn easy chakra rundown that anyone can immediately understand & benefit from The real reason you could be suffering from emotional overwhelmEasy chakra-boosting yoga poses that you can benefit from right nowA breakdown of the most powerful stones to accompany your chakra workThe unbelievably passive way to aid digestion, clear fear of rejection, manifest, & boost self-discipline, with no workHow to skyrocket self-love, romantic love, & deep compassion for others in your sleepA treasure-trove of *bonuses*, including a companion video course with over 4.5 hours of empowering content, energy-tapping videos, powerful guided meditations, journals, & so much more.
& much more!
Chakras for beginners is a helpful little guide to assist you in taking your first steps into the world of chakras, & provide you with a loving hand into what can otherwise seem like an intimidating & inaccessible world. Take a second to imagine how you'll feel once you're able to easily use the power of balanced chakras to reach your full potential. Imagine how your body, mind, & soul will feel once you align your energy centers & channel unlimited loving, creative, & intuitive energy.
So, if you have a burning desire to reap the amazing benefits of opening yourself up to universal Prana energy, then turn the first page.

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