Ashley Davis

Bootstrapping Microservices, Second Edition

With Docker, Kubernetes, GitHub Actions, and Terraform. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 464 Seiten
ISBN 1638354790
EAN 9781638354796
Veröffentlicht Mai 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Simon + Schuster LLC
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Build a microservices application from scratch using industry standard tools and battle-tested best practices.
The best way to learn microservices development is to build something! Bootstrapping Microservices with Docker, Kubernetes, GitHub Actions, and Terraform, Second Edition guides you from zero through to a complete microservices project, including fast prototyping, development, and deployment.
In Bootstrapping Microservices, Second Edition you'll get hands-on experience with microservices development skills like:
- Creating, configuring, and running a microservice with Node.js - Building and publishing a microservice using Docker - Applying automated testing - Running a microservices application in development with Docker Compose - Deploying microservices to a production Kubernetes cluster - Implementing infrastructure as code and setting up a continuous delivery pipeline - Monitoring, managing, and troubleshooting
Bootstrapping Microservices with Docker, Kubernetes, GitHub Action, and Terraform has helped thousands of developers create their first microservices applications. This fully revised second edition introduces the industry-standard tools and practical skills you'll use for every microservices application. Author Ashley Davis's friendly advice and guidance helps cut down the learning curve for Docker, Terraform, and Kubernetes, showing you just what you need to know to start building.
About the technology
Taking a microservices application from proof of concept to production requires many steps and a host of tools like Kubernetes, Terraform, and GitHub Actions. But where do you start? With clear, practical introductions to each concept and tool, this book guides you hands-on through designing and building your first microservices application.
About the book
Bootstrapping Microservices, Second Edition is your microservices mentor. It teaches you to use industry-standard tools to create a working video streaming application from the ground up. You'll learn the pillars of cloud-native development, including Terraform for configuration, Docker for packaging, and a basic Kubernetes deployment. Plus, this second edition includes coverage of GitHub Actions, continuous delivery, and Infrastructure as Code.
What's inside
- Deploying microservices to Kubernetes - Automated testing and continuous delivery - Monitoring, managing, and troubleshooting
About the reader
Examples are in JavaScript and Node. No experience with microservices required.
About the author
Ashley Davis is a software craftsman, entrepreneur, and author with over 25 years of experience in software development—from coding, to managing teams, to founding companies.
Table of Contents
1 Why microservices?
2 Creating your first microservice
3 Publishing your first microservice
4 Data management for microservices
5 Communication between microservices
6 The road to production
7 Infrastructure as code
8 Continuous deployment
9 Automated testing for microservices
10 Shipping FlixTube
11 Healthy microservices
12 Pathways to scalability


Ashley Davis is a software craftsman, entrepreneur, and author with over 25 years of experience in software development-from coding, to managing teams, to founding companies. He has worked for a range of companies, from the tiniest startups to the largest internationals. Along the way, he has contributed back to the community through his writing and open source coding. He is currently VP of Engineering at Hone, building products on the Algorand blockchain. He is also the creator of Data-Forge Notebook, a desktop application for exploratory coding and data visualization using JavaScript and TypeScript.

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