The Shotokan Karate Bible 2nd edition - Ashley P. Martin

Ashley P. Martin

The Shotokan Karate Bible 2nd edition

Beginner to Black Belt. 2. Auflage. over 400 colour photos. Ebook (PDF). Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 77.
pdf eBook , 224 Seiten
ISBN 1472914147
EAN 9781472914149
Veröffentlicht Mai 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury Sport

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An authoritative text supporting the newcomer to karate with all they need to know, up to black belt level.
Packed with photographs detailing techniques and kata (the combinations of techniques students need to master to progress through the belts) this book is designed to take the student step by step through the progression of Shotokan Karate, taking each belt in turn. Photographs and clear instructions take you step by step through the kata.
Karate is a martial art that focuses on the application of strikes using predominantly the hands and feet. It originated in Japan and has become popular throughout the world. There are many styles of karate but the most widely practised outside of Japan is Shotokan Karate. Training in karate is normally divided into three sections: the basic technique; kata, or sequencing of techniques to imaginary opponents; and kumite, the sparring done with an opponent. In total there are ten gradings to be passed in order to get a black belt - this, on average takes a student four years to attain. This book covers all the training needed to attain a black belt.
This new edition includes brand new material on partner work, more grading tips to help you avoid making common mistakes, and new footwork diagrams to help you understand the movements better.
An indispensable guide.


Ashley Martin started training in karate in 1992, and has since been an instructor and grading examiner. In 2003 he co-founded Just Karate Ltd., an organisation that offers quality karate instruction ( to private clients, at public classes, and at schools as part of the Physical Education teaching.


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