Ashley Poston

The Dead Romantics

A GMA Book Club Pick (A Novel). Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 368 Seiten
ISBN 0593336496
EAN 9780593336496
Veröffentlicht Juni 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Berkley
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,49 inkl. MwSt.
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Ghost meets The Bold Type in this sparkling adult debut about a disillusioned millennial ghostwriter who, quite literally, has some ghosts of her own, from nationally bestselling author Ashley Poston.
Florence Day is a ghostwriter for one of the most prolific romance authors in the industry, and she has a problem-after a terrible break-up, she no longer believes in love. It's as good as dead.
When her new editor, a too-handsome mountain of a man, won't give her an extension on her book deadline, Florence prepares to kiss her career goodbye. But then she gets a phone call she never wanted to receive, and she must return home for the first time in a decade to help her family bury her beloved father.
For ten years, she's run from the town that never understood her, and even though she misses the sound of a warm Southern night and her eccentric, loving family and their funeral parlor, she can't bring herself to stay. Even with her father gone, it feels like nothing in this town has changed. And she hates it.
Until she finds a ghost standing at the funeral parlor's front door, too tall and too broad to be her father, and he's just as confused about why he's there as she is.
Romance is most certainly dead…but so is her new editor, and his unfinished business will have her second-guessing everything she's ever known about love stories.


Ashley Poston writes stories about love and friendship and ever afters. A native to South Carolina, she now lives in a small grey house with her sassy cat and too many books. You can find her on the internet, somewhere, watching cat videos and reading fan-fiction.

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