Austin P. Torney

Everything Solved: The Universe Explained

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1476354189
EAN 9781476354187
Veröffentlicht Juli 2012
Verlag/Hersteller Austin P. Torney
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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The Stuff Forever (or of nothing) that could no longer contain itself as a singularity, changing its form and 'banging' into a universe, obviously met a constraint that was being built up to in its wave form—since matter and spacetime came after the 'bang', as a low probability, but guaranteed (eventually), event, so we can go on to say about the only possible wave state of the Forever Something as the how and why of the 'bang', as well as the 'what' of the waves. Yes, it is a tall order, but we know that it could only do what it did, since all action is only from itself, there being no external directives possible for what is itself causeless. So, we expect to get 'lucky' in finding the only possible wave equation.


Austin began writing for real around the age of forty, a respite from working as an Information Engineer in the field of Computer Science, doing programming, an art, as it turned out. He calls himself a humanist, and is one who enjoys the liberal arts, utilizing science, for it pervades every discipline. He is currently retired and lives in the mountains of Poughquag, NY, near the Appalachian Trail. He enjoys tennis, writing, fun, humor, thinking, sleeping, poetry, music, dining, travel, romance, reading, swimming, and life.

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