Azhar Ul Haque Sario

Funding Futures Education

Finance, Innovation, and Equity. Empfohlen 1 bis 99 Jahre. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 62 Seiten
ISBN 3759896235
EAN 9783759896230
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2024
Verlag/Hersteller epubli
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Discover the intersections of finance, innovation, and equity in education across the globe. "Funding Futures Education: Finance, Innovation, and Equity" takes you on a comprehensive journey exploring the economic underpinnings of educational policies and their impacts on various global contexts. This book delves deep into how economic theories guide the transfer of educational policies across cultural lines, revealing both the financial barriers and opportunities that shape these endeavors. The narrative starts by examining how educational policies are adapted in diverse cultural settings, focusing on cost-effectiveness and the financial feasibility that influences policy success or failure. As we move through the chapters, the book addresses the pressing issue of the digital divide-analyzing its financial implications and the strategies that can bridge this gap through innovative funding solutions. Further exploration leads to an insightful discussion on the financing of teacher training and professional development, emphasizing economic barriers in developing countries and showcasing cost-effective models that promise sustainability and improved educational outcomes. The connection between education and social mobility is scrutinized through economic lenses, providing a detailed comparative analysis of how educational investments can alter socio-economic dynamics across different regions. The book also tackles gender disparities in STEM education, presenting an economic analysis that looks at the societal norms and financial incentives influencing gender participation in STEM fields. This is complemented by a critical examination of the political economy surrounding educational reforms, where financial strategies are devised to navigate the complexities of political and economic challenges in reform implementation.


I am bestselling author. I have proven technical skills (Google certifications) to deliver insightful books with ten years of business experience. I have written and published 400 books as per Goodreads record.

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