Baby Shilubane

The Limitless Matrix

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230589945
Veröffentlicht März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Baby Shilubane
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
8,49 inkl. MwSt.
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God in his creation signifies an infinite power boundless in time, space, and magnitude, teeming with limitless possibilities. The matrix structures, known for fostering greater flexibility, are a testament to the universe's boundless potential. The Latin name of the Matrix is mater, meaning mother – the female breeding womb. The universe, akin to a colossal womb, has birthed various entities under the auspices and command of the Almighty God. As the Originating Power, God manifested matter from nothing, imbuing it with information and functions, residing within it as a vital force. Some view the universe (or, more broadly, an infinite collection of possibilities) as the ideal computing machine. However, every physical action is preceded by creation in the mental world – the quantum world, with infinite possibilities.
It is through conscious awareness that thoughts are transformed into tangible reality, revealing the interconnectedness and oneness of the universe. Quantum theory, in this light, shows that we cannot break the world down into small, independently existing units. In His prayer (John 17:21), Jesus expressed this oneness. When Jesus speaks of oneness, he does not refer to equal force, amount, value, purpose, or qualities. The Limitless Matrix is an awe-inspiring and infinite phenomenon that transcends all boundaries.

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