Bailey Cates

Rituals and Rolling Pins

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 288 Seiten
ISBN 0593641523
EAN 9780593641521
Veröffentlicht 1. April 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Berkley
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Hedgewitch Katie Lightfoot is determined to solve a decidedly unsavory mystery in the newest installment of the New York Times bestselling Magical Bakery series.
Since Katie opened a busy bakery in Savannah serving up sweet treats-with a little spellwork on the side-she's always on the go. While Katie is on a run in the local marshland preserve to de-swamp her jumbled thoughts, she encounters the shocking sight of her friend, reporter and druid Steve Dawes, standing over a dead body. The way the victim was killed suggests a magical ritual may have been involved.
It turns out that the deceased was a true crime podcaster who covered paranormal cases in Savannah. The situation gets stickier than a pecan bun when Katie discovers Steve knew the victim. Steve and Katie have had their differences in the past, but she has his back, so with the help of the ladies of the spellbook club, Katie will have to follow the trail of crumbs to the real killer....


Bailey Cates believes magic is all around us if we only look for it. She is the New York Times bestselling author of the Magical Bakery Mysteries. Writing as Bailey Cattrell, she is also the author of the Enchanted Garden Mysteries.

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