Bal Khabra


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 416 Seiten
ISBN 059381827X
EAN 9780593818275
Veröffentlicht September 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Berkley
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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She's an honors student with ambitious graduate school plans and he's a jock with only hockey on his mind, but once their worlds collide, their connection is hot enough to melt an ice rink.
An ultimatum from Summer Preston's thesis advisor thrusts her into an unexpected collision with the hockey team's captain, Aiden Crawford. She's caught between conflicting desires of fulfilling her lifelong dream of becoming a sport psychologist and staying as far away as possible from the god-awful sport. And once she meets Aiden-well, let's just say he confirms all her worst assumptions about hockey players.
Being the captain of the college hockey team has its perks, except when a reckless mistake by Aiden's team threatens to jeopardize their entire season. As punishment, Aiden's coach nominates him as the subject of a student research project. Participating is the last thing he wants to do, especially since the girl leading the project looks like she could wield his skates as a weapon.
Summer can't stand Aiden's blasé approach to life, and Aiden doesn't understand why she's twenty years old with a twenty-five-year plan. But their bickering soon turns to bantering-and once they let their guards down, there's nothing to check their feelings.


Bal Khabra is a Canadian writer and book lover. Before she decided to jump into the romance pool, she spent her time gushing about books on social media. When inspiration strikes, she is found filling her Notes app with ideas for romance novels. She loves reading about love, watching movies about love, and now, writing about it herself. There really isn't much else that gets her heart fluttering the way HEAs do. She fell in love with writing and hopes to continue living out her romance author dreams.

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