Barbara Kingsolver

Pigs in Heaven

Author of Demon Copperhead, Winner of the Women's Prize for Fiction. Main. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 352 Seiten
ISBN 0571283284
EAN 9780571283286
Veröffentlicht September 2011
Verlag/Hersteller Faber & Faber
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
11,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Mother and adopted daughter, Taylor and Turtle Greer, are back in this spellbinding sequel about family, heartbreak and love.
Six-year-old Turtle Greer witnesses a freak accident at the Hoover Dam during a tour of the Grand Canyon with her guardian, Taylor. Her insistence on what she has seen, and her mother's belief in her, lead to a man's dramatic rescue. The mother and adopted daughter duo soon become nationwide heroes - even landing themselves a guest appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show. But Turtle's moment of celebrity draws her into a conflict of historic proportions stemming right back to her Cherokee roots. The crisis quickly envelops not only Turtle and her guardian, but everyone else who touches their lives in a complex web connecting their future with their past.
Embark on a unforgettable road trip from rural Kentucky and the urban Southwest to Heaven, Oklahoma, and the Cherokee Nation, testing the boundaries of family and the many separate truths about the ties that bind.


Barbara Kingsolver's fourteen books of fiction, poetry and non-fiction include the novels the international bestseller The Poisonwood Bible, which is now considered a modern classic and was chosen as the best reading group novel ever at the Penguin/Orange Awards, and The Lacuna, which won the Orange Prize for Fiction in 2010. Her latest novel is Flight Behaviour.

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