Bart W. Silverman, Richard J. Miron

Modern Implant Dentistry

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 472 Seiten
ISBN 1647241812
EAN 9781647241810
Veröffentlicht August 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
189,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

This book takes a comprehensive look at the state of implant dentistry today, equipping beginners and seasoned clinicians alike to improve their skills and practice implant dentistry safely and predictably. The early chapters focus on the biology of dental implants as well as medical considerations required prior to placing them, followed by chapters dedicated to documentation, treatment planning, and digital workflow. Surgical concepts are then described in detail, from single-tooth extraction to guided All-on-X treatment, followed by detailed discussion of the prosthetic options available in implant dentistry. The final chapters include relevant topics such as soft tissue management in implant dentistry, treatment of peri-implant disease, the socket shield technique, and marketing of dental implant therapy. Written by experienced clinicians from all over the world, the book includes over 60 surgical and clinical videos (linked via QR codes) to demonstrate what the procedures and techniques and products look like in real life, not in a photograph taken in ideal conditions, so readers can be confident in their understanding. This is the perfect book for clinicians looking to incorporate dental implants into their practice or learn the latest in the field from the experts.


"Bart W. Silverman, dmd
Private Practice Limited to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
New City, New York
Richard J. Miron, dds, msc, phd
Department of Periodontology
School of Dental Medicine
University of Bern
Bern, Switzerland"

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