Beatriz Williams, Lauren Willig, Karen White

The Glass Ocean

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 416 Seiten
ISBN 0062642472
EAN 9780062642479
Veröffentlicht September 2018
Verlag/Hersteller William Morrow
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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From the New York Times bestselling authors of The Forgotten Room comes a captivating historical mystery that links the lives of three women—two from the past, one from the present—to the doomed passenger liner RMS Lusitania 2013 Bestselling author Sarah Blake is broke and struggling to come up with a big idea for her next book. Desperate, she opens an old chest containing the belongings of her great-grandfather, who died when the RMS Lusitania was sunk by a German U-boat in 1915. What she discovers could change history. Sarah embarks on an ambitious journey to England to enlist the help of John Langford, a recently
disgraced member of Parliament whose family archives might contain the only key to the long-ago catastrophe. . . . 1915 Southern belle Caroline Telfair Hochstetter's marriage is in crisis. Her formerly attentive industrialist husband, Gilbert, has become remote, preoccupied with business—and with something else that she can't quite put a finger on. She's hoping a trip in the Lusitania's lavish first-class accommodations will help them reconnect—but she can't ignore the spark she feels for her old friend Robert Langford, who turns out to be on the same voyage. Restless and longing for a different existence, Caroline is determined to take charge of her own life. . . . Tess Fairweather is traveling second-class on the Lusitania, returning home to Devon. Or at least, that's her story. Truth is, her English accent is a hasty fake and her real name is Tennessee Schaff. The daughter of a roving con man, Tess can steal and forge just about anything. Her partner has promised that if they pull off one last heist aboard the Lusitania, they'll finally leave the game behind. Tess desperately wants to believe that, but she has the uneasy feeling there's something about this job that isn't as it seems. . . . As the Lusitania steams toward its fate, three women work against time to unravel a plot that will change the course of their lives . . . and history itself.


Beatriz Williams is the bestselling author of over a dozen novels, including The Beach at Summerly, Our Woman in Moscow, and The Summer Wives, as well as four other novels cowritten with Lauren Willig and Karen White. A native of Seattle, she graduated from Stanford University and earned an MBA in finance from Columbia University. She lives with her husband and four children near the Connecticut shore, where she divides her time between writing and laundry.

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