Beau Norton

4 Simple Steps to Massive Success: Re-Wire Your Brain for Success and Achieve Your Dreams with Peace of Mind

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1513033573
EAN 9781513033570
Veröffentlicht September 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Beau Norton
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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Follow the PROVEN Path to Success! No Time to Waste!
No one likes an overly-complicated approach to things. That's why I developed this extremely straightforward guide to success and peace of mind, so that you can quickly and easily make the necessary changes to your life that catapult you to new heights in everything you do.
Here's what you'll learn inside:
How to effectively re-wire your brain for success in a matter of months. Did you know that most people are essentially "programmed" for failure from a very young age!? I'm going to show you how to reverse that negative programming quickly and easily.
How to keep an open mind and inspire yourself with new information.
How to make your goals easily achievable using proven goal-setting strategies.
How to maximize your productivity by increasing your ability to focus and concentrate for extended periods of time.
How to increase your creativity while simultaneously decreasing your stress levels, so that you can achieve your goals with joy and peace of mind.
And MUCH more.
The journey to success really can be FUN. It's a common belief that "hard work" is the key to success, but I'm going to show you how to design your life in a way that makes what you would normally call "work" become quite effortless and actually enjoyable. How is this possible you say? By reprogramming your brain using simple yet extremely effective techniques that allow you to reverse your normal habit patterns.
It's not magic, just the science of success. I hope you're ready to learn!

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