Becca Anderson

The Woman's Book of Prayer

365 Blessings, Poems and Meditations (Christian gift for women). black and white illustrations throughout the book. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1633538028
EAN 9781633538023
Veröffentlicht Januar 2019
Verlag/Hersteller TMA Press

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Increase Your Happiness Through a Daily Devotional
“This is a wonderful collection of prayers by and for women―old and young, from many walks of life, from near and far, from past and present." ―BJ Gallagher, author of If God Is Your Co-Pilot, Switch Seats
#1 New Release in Prayer and Prayerbooks
Prayer books take many forms. The Woman's Book of Prayer is a selection of daily devotionals for women—meditations of faith and spirituality, prayer practices, and selections of sacred texts, poems and blessings. Learn all the ways you can pray, so that you can find the methods that best work for you.
Create a new life for yourself. We are constantly communing with the Divine through our daily devotionals―even in our most ordinary activities. Sitting in silence, walking mediation, using prayer beads, or folding your hands and talking to God are all forms of prayer. If you want something different in your life, you must pray differently. By carefully and consciously choosing affirming thoughts and deliberately looking for blessings at every opportunity, you can create a new life for yourself.
Inspiration from a variety of sources. The Woman's Book of Prayer by best-selling author Becca Anderson, gathers words of encouragement and comfort for women. Becca credits her recovery from a serious illness to the power of daily prayer but had to change the way she prayed. This led her to uncover the world's best prayers. From Peace Pilgrim to Psalms to Dolly Parton, this collection of powerful thoughts, devotional scriptures, and purposeful prayers can help you get inspired, and more importantly, stay inspired.
Discover how to:
Focus on what you DO want, not what you don't wantMake your prayers positive and affirmingGet more of what you want in your life
If you liked prayer books like the 52-Week Devotional Journal for Women, 365 Pocket Prayers for Women, or Devotionals for Women, then you will love The Woman's Book of Prayer.


Becca Anderson comes from a long line of preachers and teachers from Ohio and Kentucky. The teacher side of her family led to becoming a woman's studies scholar and the author of The Book of Awesome Women. An avid collector of meditations, prayers and blessings, she helps run a "Gratitude and Grace Circle" that meets monthly at homes, churches and bookstores. Becca Anderson credits her spiritual practice with helping her recovery from cancer and wants to share this with anyone who is facing difficulty in their life. Author of Think Happy to Stay Happy and Every Day Thankful, Becca Anderson shares her inspirational writings and suggested acts of kindness at

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