Becca Piastrelli

Root and Ritual

Timeless Ways to Connect to Land, Lineage, Community, and the Self. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 248 Seiten
ISBN 1683647734
EAN 9781683647737
Veröffentlicht November 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Sounds True

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A beautifully illustrated guide for connecting with the earth, your ancestors, and your communities as you come home to your whole self
Despite our best efforts, our modern world leaves so many of us feeling isolated, unworthy, and alone. We're unrooted from the land, untethered from our lineages, disconnected from our communities, and separated from our deepest sense of self.
In Root and Ritual, Becca Piastrelli offers a pathway back to connection and wholeness through rituals, recipes, and ancestral wisdom. "Though we live in a radically different-looking world, the needs of our bodies and spirits are the same as the ancestors we came from."
Divided into four parts-Land, Lineage, Community, and Self-this book takes you on a journey for engaging more deeply with your life:
  Part 1 introduces practices for reconnecting with the land, including seasonal recipes, crafting with plants, and tending your homeIn Part 2, you'll learn to reclaim the gifts of your lineage as you understand past harms and explore the traditional folklore, foods, and arts of those who came beforePart 3 centers around community, helping you cultivate sisterhood and celebrate meaningful rites of passageIn Part 4, you'll return to yourself as you open your intuition, tune in to your body, and awaken the wild woman within  
A rich and dynamic treasure chest of timeless teachings, Root and Ritual is a beautiful guide for knowing who you are-and that you belong here.


Becca Piastrelli

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