Becky Chalsen


A Novel. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 352 Seiten
ISBN 0593471512
EAN 9780593471517
Veröffentlicht April 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Dutton
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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A New York Public Library Summer Staff Pick
"A wedding, a birthday, a holiday weekend. What could really go wrong? Kismet dishes up everything a reader could possibly crave: family drama, long-held secrets, and the 'what ifs' that can sometimes haunt even the most loving of unions."-Sarah Jio, New York Times bestselling author of With Love from London
A sun-soaked debut about love, sisterhood, and destiny, set in the glorious beach town of Kismet, Fire Island . . . Can Amy's marriage survive Jo's wedding?
For as long as anyone can remember, it has been Amy, Jo, and Ben. Amy and Jo, the inseparable Sharp twins who couldn't be more different; and Ben, Amy's childhood sweetheart turned husband.
But as this year's Fourth of July weekend approaches, something feels off. Jo's whirlwind engagement and wedding ceremony now eclipses the twins' long-awaited thirtieth birthday. Recent arguments between Amy and Ben have left their marriage feeling more like make-believe than ever-after. And as the family beach town transforms for Jo's wedding weekend, Amy's trusted trio will be tested by the most unexpected hurdle yet: the arrival of a handsome, mysterious newcomer in a best man suit. One with a strikingly familiar face. A face that Amy had planned to never see again.
This holiday weekend, even the strongest SPF won't protect the Sharp twins from all the secrets about to take center stage.


Becky Chalsen is a film and TV development executive at the production company Sunday Night. She is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and now lives in New York City. Becky is a quadruplet and married to her high school sweetheart-also an identical twin-whose family has spent summers on Fire Island for more than three decades. Kismet is her first novel.

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