Belinda Stott

Acolyte (The Gifted Trilogy, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798227235008
Veröffentlicht November 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Belinda Stott
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Only the elite have a voice in Cortem...
Nyx and Roanna have always taken for granted the oppressive caste system they live under in Cortem, where every citizen is forced to wear the color of their primary sin, and dissension leads to rehabilitation – lobotomy. As the twin children of Sovran Saul, they are privileged Blues: rich, powerful, and protected. They are also Gifted; possessing extraordinary powers which would see them rehabilitated if ever exposed.
Roanna has another secret; an online friendship with Maverick, a rebel with his own Gift for uncovering hidden truths. As he targets Roanna for information, his friends seek to entrap Nyx too, all with one goal: to gain control of the country and dismantle its oppressive regime. But the group's plans are threatened when Roanna's father decides it's time for her to marry, leaving Maverick scrambling to prevent the unholy alliance.
Amid a violent attack, cruel trial, and disturbing human auction, Roanna and Nyx must decide who to trust and what's worth saving in a society teetering on the edge of rebellion.
As the Gifted are hunted down and the Lower Colors denied voice or power, dark family secrets, fateful confrontations, and unexpected romance force Roanna to question everything she's ever known in Acolyte.


Belinda Stott is a novelist, counselor and international speaker. With her husband Matt, she runs a course called Soul Tour which combines psychology, philosophy and theology to help young adults better understand their own mind, emotions and behavior.

A prolific traveler (81 countries and counting), Belinda reads obsessively, loves fairs, jacuzzis, castles and feisty heroines, and watches movies which inspire her to create high-stakes stories that visit other worlds and kingdoms. She is particularly passionate about sagas that bypass the mundane to explore what God and life are really all about, describing her style as a blend of spy stories like 24, Alias and the Bourne novels, with a sprinkle of Narnia and the intensity of a Ted Dekker novel.

Belinda lives in Christchurch, New Zealand with Matt and their two creative, adventurous kids, Jasper and Scarlett, (who cameo in Kainnan: The Uncovering).

Find out more about Kainnan and Belinda's upcoming, cult-based trilogy at

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