Ben Lamorte

The OKRs Field Book

A Step-by-Step Guide for Objectives and Key Results Coaches. 1. Auflage. E-Book. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 192 Seiten
ISBN 1119816432
EAN 9781119816430
Veröffentlicht März 2022
Verlag/Hersteller John Wiley & Sons

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Take your OKRs coaching skills to the next level with this practical handbook.
In The OKRs Field Book: A Step-by-Step Guide for Objectives and Key Results Coaches, Ben Lamorte, a seasoned coach and management science expert, provides a structured approach for implementing objectives and key results. This book provides tips and tools that enable you to coach your OKRs clients with confidence. Lamorte analyzes foundational questions that must be answered prior to deploying OKRs and the roles required to sustain an OKRs program.
Packed with excerpts from actual OKRs coaching sessions, this step-by-step guide shines a light on the OKRs coaching process. You learn how to help your client refine key results that look like tasks into key results that reflect measurable outcomes. In addition to sample training workshop agendas and coaching emails, Lamorte introduces the first comprehensive list of OKRs coaching questions. The field book covers how to:
* Structure an OKRs coaching engagement using a three-phased approach.
* Avoid common pitfalls such as cascading OKRs based on the org chart.
* Ensure your client asks the right questions at each step of the OKRs cycle.
Perfect for external coaches and business mentors looking for a repeatable structure to help their clients succeed with OKRs, The OKRs Field Book is also an indispensable resource for internal coaches looking to support their organization's OKRs program.


Ben Lamorte is the founder of and The OKRs Coach Network. He has more OKRs coaching experience than anyone on the planet and is a mentor to dozens of OKRs coaches around the world. He is based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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