Ben Raskin

Zero Waste Gardening

Maximize space and taste with minimal waste. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 176 Seiten
ISBN 0711262349
EAN 9780711262348
Veröffentlicht Mai 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Frances Lincoln

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Zero-Waste Gardening is your essential go-to guide to growing your own food for maximum taste and minimum waste.
Organic gardening expert, Ben Raskin, shares over 60 unique planning-for-yield guides for key crops. Work out how to make the most of the green space you have got, what to grow easily in it, and how much you will harvest seasonally for zero waste.
Learn about the roots of organic gardening, and unearth how to plant waste-free for any size plot, from balcony containers to 5-metre-square yards. Peppered with root-to-stalk cooking techniques, and edibility tips including which crops you can eat straight away, this is a plot-to-plate handbook for everyone with a green-thumb.
Perfect for new and experienced growers, zero-food waste followers, city gardeners, and the ecologically minded, this is the only gardening book you will ever need!


Ben Raskin (Wiltshire, UK) is the Head of Horticulture at the Soil Association in the UK, and a father of two. He runs courses and training on organic growing and launched the Soil Association's flagship Organic Apprenticeship Scheme in 2007. Ben got the gardening bug working on an organic vineyard in northern Italy, and has worked in horticulture for 18 years, including a stint as Assistant Head Gardener at the UK charity Garden Organic.

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