Beth Lisick

Yokohama Threeway

And Other Small Shames. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 128 Seiten
ISBN 0872866262
EAN 9780872866263
Veröffentlicht September 2013
Verlag/Hersteller City Lights Publishers
15,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Peering into life's cringe-worthy moments, best-selling author Beth Lisick excavates territory that most would rather ignore. Funny, odd, deeply personal, yet somehow universal, these are the kind of memories that haunt us all, the small awful moments of shame and humiliation that we'd rather forget than relive.
Beth Lisick has made a career of opening her life to her readers in all of its messy, smart hilarity, but this type of story doesn't usually find its way into a memoir. With her trademark humor and sly intelligence, writing in short flashes the way these episodes tend to pop up in memory, Lisick recounts her most embarrassing moments with gusto. From a trick she played on a neighbor thirty years ago to what she accidentally blurted out at last night's dinner party, she explores the bad judgments and free-floating regrets that keep her up at night, and the result is a daring, candid and wickedly funny collection of embarrassment embraced, the triumph of humor and perspective over everyday mortification.
Writer, performer and independent film actress Beth Lisick is the author of the New York Times best-selling comic memoir Everybody Into the Pool and the gonzo self-help manifesto Helping Me Help Myself.
Praise for Yokohama Threeway:
"The ultimate joyride for those of us who enjoy cringe-worthy embarrassment, genuine pathos, and an overdosing amount of schadenfreude."-Michael Ian Black
"This book is fucking great."-Kathleen Hanna, of Bikini Kill and The Julie Ruin
"A strangely touching and engaging portrait of the artist as a young screwup."-Booklist
"Yokohama Threeway blends the funny and the painful into an elixir more closely resembling cough medicine than soda pop-a little bitter, made up of strange ingredients, not real pretty, but necessary if you want to get better. In the end, you are happy you took it, even if it leaves a funky aftertaste."-World Literature Today
"Speaking as someone who hates everything, I love this book."-James Greer, musician & author of The Failure
"Hilarious, heartbreaking, compassionate, pitch perfect, utterly original."-Joyce Maynard, author of After Her and Labor Day
"A laugh-out-loud series of short, revelatory confessions propelled by curiosity and an acute desire to experience the world. It is not now and perhaps never will be quite in vogue for people to share their shames, but Lisick does it with aplomb and even exuberance."-Evan Karp, SF Weekly
"Beth Lisick's new essay collection Yokohama Threeway made me laugh out loud more than anything else I have read all year, she is a master at sharing her life experiences with self-deprecating yet honest humor."-David Gutowski, Largehearted Boy
"Beth Lisick, divulges the most embarrassing moments in a series of short essays dripping with wicked humor."-7x7 Magazine


Beth Lisick is a writer and performer from the San Francisco Bay Area. Her books include the New York Times bestselling comic memoir Everybody Into the Pool and the gonzo self-help manifesto Helping Me Help Myself. Lisick has toured the U.S. and Europe as a solo spoken word performer, front person for the band the Beth Lisick Ordeal and member of the groundbreaking queer roadshow Sister Spit. Her other projects include comedic performance for the stage and screen with Tara Jepsen, curating the monthly Porchlight Storytelling Series with Arline Klatte and teaching creative writing to young adults. She played the female lead in Frazer Bradshaw's award-winning feature film Everything Strange and New and recently received a grant from the Creative Work Foundation to write a book about the developmentally disabled artists at Creativity Explored.

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