Beth Pickens

Make Your Art No Matter What

Moving Beyond Creative Hurdles. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1452184151
EAN 9781452184159
Veröffentlicht April 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Chronicle Books LLC

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The Artist's Way for the 21st century-from esteemed creative counselor Beth Pickens.
If you are an artist, you need to make your art. That's not an overstatement-it's a fact; if you stop doing your creative work, your quality of life is diminished. But what do you do when life gets in the way? In this down-to-earth handbook, experienced artist coach Beth Pickens offers practical advice for developing a lasting and meaningful artistic practice in the face of life's inevitable obstacles and distractions. This thoughtful volume suggests creative ways to address the challenges all artists must overcome-from making decisions about time, money, and education, to grappling with isolation, fear, and anxiety. No matter where you are in your art-making journey, this book will motivate and inspire you. Because not only do you need your art-the world needs it, too.
• EXPERT ADVICE: Beth Pickens is an experienced and passionate arts advocate with extensive insight into working through creative obstacles. She has spent the last decade advising artists on everything from financial strategy to coping with grief.
• PRACTICAL AND POSITIVE: This book is both a love letter to art and artists and a hands-on guide to approaching the thorniest problems those artists might face. Pickens offers a warm reminder that you are not alone, that what you do matters, and that someone out there wants you to succeed.
• TIMELESS TOPIC: Like a trusted advisor, this book is an invaluable resource jam-packed with strategies for building a successful creative practice. From mixing business and friendship to marketing yourself on social media, this book can help. And it will-again and again.
Perfect for:
• Visual artists and makers
• Writers, musicians, filmmakers, and other creatives
• Art and design school graduates and grad-gift givers


Beth Pickens is a consultant for artists and arts organizations with a master's degree in counseling psychology and a decade of experience. She is also the author of Your Art Will Save Your Life (2018, Feminist Press). She lives in Los Angeles with her wife and pets.

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