Bethany Pitts

Moon Ecuador & the Galápagos Islands

ebook Ausgabe. 7. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1631217186
EAN 9781631217180
Veröffentlicht November 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Moon Travel
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Canoe through the Amazon, explore the bustling capital of Quito, snorkel in the Galápagos, or kick back on the coast: Embark on an unforgettable adventure with Moon Ecuador & the Galápagos Islands. Inside you'll find:
Flexible itineraries for spending time in the Sierras, the Amazon, the coast, Quito, and the Galápagos IslandsStrategic advice for ethical travelers, adventure lovers, budget travelers, history and culture buffs, wellness seekers, and moreMust-see highlights and unique experiences: Hike through the Amazon rainforest, paddle across lily-covered lagoons, and spot camian, tapir, or pink river dolphins. Dive with hammerhead sharks in the Galápagos, cycle the epic waterfall route in Baños, and watch the sun rise over the peaks where the Amazon meets the Andes. Wander cobbled colonial streets and gaze up at snow-capped volcanoes rising from wildflower-strewn grasslands. Take a surfing lesson in Montañita, and relax on the beach with a mojito in hand How to ethically experience Ecuador like an insider, support local and sustainable businesses, and respectfully engage with the indigenous communities, including those with shamanic traditions Expert insight from local author Bethany Pitts on where to eat, how to get around, where to stay, and how to avoid crowds Full-color photos and detailed maps throughout Reliable background on the landscape, climate, wildlife, and history, as well as health and safety advice, environmental issues, and common customs and etiquette Handy tools including a Spanish phrasebook, volunteer opportunities, packing suggestions, and travel tips for families with kids, seniors, travelers with disabilities, and LGBTQ travelersWith Moon Ecuador & the Galápagos Islands' practical tips and local know-how, you can plan your trip your way.
Exploring more of South America? Check out Moon Chile or Moon Colombia.


When Bethany Pitts was backpacking around the world in 2004, she found the most magical experiences in Ecuador. She'll never forget paddling silently through a jungle lagoon at night in a dug-out canoe, the water's surface covered with lily pads illuminated by fireflies. Returning to Ecuador in 2009, she realized there was nowhere on earth she would rather be and relocated there soon afterwards. She has spent the last decade exploring the country's astonishing diversity.
Bethany has worked as a translator, editor and writer, but her true passion is environmental activism. From indigenous defenders, she learned that community-led eco-tourism enables them to protect threatened ecosystems and unique ways of life. This led her to write Moon Ecuador & the Galápagos Islands with a focus on ethical travel. She is passionate about enabling travelers to make informed choices about how their visits can directly benefit Ecuador's unrivaled biodiversity, its warm, welcoming people, and the preservation of their ancestral traditions.
Originally from England, Beth lives in a small village on Ecuador's Pacific coast, where she has hummingbirds and passionflowers in her garden.

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