Betty Smith

A tree growing in Brooklyn

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen 16 bis 99 Jahre. Sprache: Arabisch.
epub eBook , 710 Seiten
ISBN 2750096758
EAN 9782750096755
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Al-Mashreq eBookstore
Übersetzer Übersetzt von Mashreq Electronic Library Translation Team
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
6,49 inkl. MwSt.
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In A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Betty Smith takes us on a poignant journey through the life of Francie Nolan, a girl living in extreme poverty in Brooklyn in the early twentieth century. By describing a beautiful tree growing in her yard, the novel embodies hope and resilience amidst life's harsh circumstances. The story addresses the challenges of education, family, and the daily struggles the heroine faces, but it also highlights how will and determination can make a difference. The tree grows alongside Francie, a symbol of strength and defiance, as they each navigate their own struggles in a harsh world. The novel is based on the experience of its author, which gives it depth and realism that reflects the human ability to adapt and overcome adversity.


---- ---- (1896-1972) -- ----- ------- ----- -- ------- ------ ------- --------. ----- ------ ----- -- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------ -- --------. --- --- ------- ------- -------- ----- -- -------- -------- --- ---- -------- -- ----- --------. ----- ------ ------- ----- ------- -------- ------- --- ---- ---- ----- ---- ------- "---- ---- -- -------" ---- ----- -- --- 1943. ---- ---- --- ----- ---- ------- -- ---- -------- ---------- -- ----- -------. ------ -- --- 1972- ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ---- ----- ------ --------- ---- -------.

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