Bhaskar Bora

Hidden in Plain Sight: Creating Presence Without Visibility

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230074984
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller BHASKAR BORA
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Discover the Art of Subtle Influence and Timeless Leadership
What if you could create a powerful impact without ever being the center of attention? What if your influence could ripple through lives, shaping outcomes and leaving a legacy, all without the need for visibility?
Dr. Bhaskar Bora unveils the secrets to mastering quiet influence and cultivating a magnetic presence in Hidden in Plain Sight: Creating Presence Without Visibility. This transformative book blends science, philosophy, and practical strategies to show you how to thrive in a world that often equates visibility with success.
Drawing from compelling stories of unsung heroes, hidden innovators, and discreet leaders, Dr. Bora reveals how the most enduring change often arises from the unseen. Whether you're a leader, creator, entrepreneur, or seeker of personal growth, this book will guide you on a journey to:- Master the art of quiet leadership to inspire and connect with others.- Harness subtle power and timing for maximum influence.- Develop mindfulness and self-awareness to navigate challenges with confidence.- Build meaningful relationships through empathy and active listening.- Create a lasting legacy that whispers across generations.
Through rich, poetic prose and actionable insights, Hidden in Plain Sight explores the interplay between presence and invisibility, teaching you how to lead with intention, act with purpose, and leave a profound mark on the world without seeking the spotlight.
Perfect for readers of:- The Art of War by Sun Tzu- Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain- The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
This book is your guide to influence, leadership, and personal growth in the modern age—equipping you to thrive in a noisy world by embracing the quiet power within.


We cannot control what the universe throws at us but how we react to those curve balls defines who we are and what we make out of our lives.
Just when life seemed rosy and the sun was shining, he sustained a severe spinal cord injury in July 2019 following an operation, which left him with paralysis of both legs, a non-functioning right hand and a long stay in the hospital, eventually leading to a forced medical retirement from his medical career and a wheelchair in place of a sports car. He had to undergo multiple operations but is now permanently disabled. Two months after his injury he was also diagnosed with cancer of the Thyroid for which he needed further operations.
Poorer financially but richer in life experiences, he is now a voice for the disabled. He wrote his first book 'The Second Chance in Life' as an honest reflection of his life experiences to motivate people that every adversity can still be turned into an opportunity. That it is important to be filled with gratitude and appreciation for all the things that we take for granted. He also blogs on his websites &
In his own words, he says
"The sun was shining on my life, everything looked rosy. Money was plenty and worries scarce. I had a dream career, a beautiful family, the blessings of my parents and the love of my friends What more could I ask for?
When things go well in life, you assume you are in control. I thought so too. But when faced with unprecedented situations and overwhelming emotions, it is important to maintain trust in yourself and keep moving forward.
When storms come, an eagle flies higher in order to rise above the turbulence, while a mouse hides in a corner. I had to become that eagle and soar higher, not be cornered and crushed in the storm of life.
Believing in myself was the only way. Maybe this was a lesson. Maybe this was a lesson to find a bigger purpose and achieve a bigger dream. Miracles, big and small, happen every day but often we are not receptive enough to understand and appreciate them.
My books are a testament to all the different things that I have learned and experienced and now want to share with my readers honestly and practically.
Join me in this journey."

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