Bikram Gill

A Spiritual Discourse

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1311050507
EAN 9781311050502
Veröffentlicht September 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Bikram Gill
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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A Spiritual Discourse is an English translation of 'Sidh Gosht', a discussion between Guru Nanak Dev, founder of Sikhism, and a group of Master Yogis, Siddhas. In the composition the Siddhas ask Guru Nanak Dev spiritual questions, and Guru Nanak Dev answers them. 'Sidh Gosht' is part of a larger text, Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, which is the present Guru of the Sikhs.
The present translation tries to present a literal translation, with a simple and concise presentation, keeping the metaphors intact, wherever possible (although the rhyme of the original text could not be maintained). The main intention of the present translation is to present the meaning of the original text, as per my understanding. Conversational English has been used. Where it is felt that an explanation may help in understanding the meaning of text, brief explanation has been added.


I have been working for some time, and spend remaining time doing random things. I also like learning about different religions and spiritual subjects (preferably with some practical use), and am especially interested in learning and understanding the words of Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. I started writing to better understand the topics I read about, and also to share my understanding. I hope readers would find my writing helpful in their own journey in life.
(Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in these eBooks are my own, formed after reading many different books at different stages in my life, and talking to many different people. Opinions are based on my understanding at the time of writing!)

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