Bill Etem

Amanda's War

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1476312346
EAN 9781476312347
Veröffentlicht Juli 2012
Verlag/Hersteller Bill Etem
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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The action begins with a subplot - the shooting of an industrialist's bodyguard. The industrialist had been receiving threatening letters from extortionists. After the introduction of the 4 main adult characters - Haakon and Maria Sovant, Pamela and Sergio Molina - all bodyguards, all ex-CIA agents - we meet the young Amanda Molina and her two-year-old brother, Al.
The novel unfolds with narrative in the present and with a few flashbacks into the lives of the main characters.
`Amanda's War' is similar to Robert Altman's film `3 Women,' starring Sissy Spacek and Shelley Duvall, in the sense that both deal with the theme of people changing after traumatic incidents. At the end of `Amanda's War' the reader is left to speculate if Haakon changed during and after a traumatic incident because of benevolent natural forces, or because of malevolent supernatural forces, or because of natural forces, or because of...
Now if the sweet intoxicating euphoria of the love affair is obtained by malevolent supernatural powers, by witchcraft, by powerful magic and evil sorcery, infernal enchantments, the dark arts etc., etc., well, that's the sort of sweet intoxicating euphoria that will cost a lot: you just know it will come at a hellish price.


Bill EE-tem. Born in Minneapolis, 1.2.60. Now living in St. Paul. Had lots of jobs: High School math teacher, football coach, track coach, legal coding / data entry, production, bar bouncer etc., etc. Bounced around some myself. Lived in Mexico for 20 months, in Oaxaca. Lived in Los Angeles for a few years. Traveled for 4 months round Europe after graduating from the University of Minnesota in 1983, B.A. in Mathematics.
My religious books are all about searching for the True Church.
The descriptions and contents of my 10 You Tube playlists also deal with that theme.
If a Church leads people to Heaven then that Church is the Bride of Christ, the True Church, the Church Christ founded on a rock, Matthew 16. 13-19.
If a church is lost in heresy and drags people down to eternal perdition then that church is a false church.
The Christian scriptures are clear there is only one True Church, only one Bride of Christ.
And yet there are thousands of separate churches / thousands of unique denominations in the world.
This a big glaring problem.
John 6. 53-55 tells us one must celebrate Holy Communion to attain Heaven and escape perdition.
1 Corinthians 11. 27-29 says you drink damnation into your soul if you celebrate Holy Communion in an unworthy manner.
I've spent roughly 7 thousand hours working on my You Tube playlists, so be sure to scrutinize those when you get a chance.
These You Tube videos explain how we got no end of Christians who violate 1 Corinthians 11. 27-29. They drink damnation into their souls by sharing the bread and the wine with people who push evil, Anti-Christian things.

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