Bobby Hundreds

This Is Not a T-Shirt

A Brand, a Culture, a Community--a Life in Streetwear. 5 Black-and-White Illustrations. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 336 Seiten
ISBN 0374718350
EAN 9780374718350
Veröffentlicht Juni 2019
Verlag/Hersteller MCD

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The story of The Hundreds and the precepts that made it an iconic streetwear brand by Bobby Hundreds himself
Streetwear occupies that rarefied space where genuine "cool" coexists with big business; where a star designer might work concurrently with Nike, a tattoo artist, Louis Vuitton, and a skateboard company. It's the ubiquitous style of dress comprising hoodies, sneakers, and T-shirts. In the beginning, a few brands defined this style; fewer still survived as streetwear went mainstream. They are the OGs, the "heritage brands." The Hundreds is one of those persevering companies, and Bobby Hundreds is at the center of it all.
The creative force behind the brand, Bobby Kim, a.k.a. Bobby Hundreds, has emerged as a prominent face and voice in streetwear. In telling the story of his formative years, he reminds us that The Hundreds was started by outsiders; and this is truly the story of streetwear culture.
In This Is Not a T-Shirt, Bobby Hundreds cements his spot as a champion of an industry he helped create and tells the story of The Hundreds-with anecdotes ranging from his Southern California, punk-DIY-tinged youth to the brand's explosive success. Both an inspiring memoir and an expert assessment of the history and future of streetwear, this is the tale of Bobby's commitment to his creative vision and to building a real community.


Bobby Hundreds

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