Bradley Charbonneau

Driehoek (Lu & Lu, #5)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393417639
EAN 9781393417637
Veröffentlicht Juni 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Bradley Charbonneau
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Li & Lu are BACK.
They've been busy. Moving to Holland, enrolling in new schools, gathering paranormal powers, new basketball teams.
Apparently, Lu has been working on his paranormal abilities (who knew!? … that's a paranormal joke) while Li has been studying … math.
I know. I know.
Both seem preposterous. But which one sounds more feasible? Both defy conventional wisdom and I personally have no idea.
I'm just the messenger.
I wish I could say that I came up with the storylines and weaved them into the perilous suspense thrillers that they have become. But alas, I just "download" the information and it comes through my fingers and onto the page.
A few words from Lu.
A comment from Li.
And we're off to the races.
You see, they are boys. They don't communicate. Well, not in the way girls do. Most boys use two syllables and call that dialogue. Others, like Lu, can't be quieted even with an acoustic foam cube.
I digress.
Li & Lu are back.
They're ready for action.
And yet again, the dog. The poor dog. He means well. But he just manages to get into trouble. Then again, he's a dog.
And they are boys. It's a mathematical certainty that there will be adventure.
Li & Lu are going to work together like never before. They're almost friends. They almost like each other.
Welcome to book number five of Li & Lu. 


The following is an excerpt from the foreword to Bradley's upcoming book "Every Single Day" (available Oct. 17, 2017).
"He no longer resembled the mopey dejected "former writer" I'd known. He became unstoppable. A machine. It wasn't just about the writing, either. It was a deeper transformation. He became much more confident and bold. He was inspiring and even intimidating in some ways. He wasn't the same person anymore. He took risks and wrote books and closed his business and moved his family halfway across the world. He's done so many things I couldn't imagine "2012 Bradley" doing. That he couldn't imagine actually doing. I barely recognize my old friend these days, and I'm glad.
He realized his dream and became a professional writer. This book is only a small piece of the proof of that."
-- John Muldoon, excerpted from the foreword to "Every Single Day"

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