Breanne Randall

The Unfortunate Side Effects of Heartbreak and Magic

TikTok made me buy it! A magical, spellbinding romance for autumn 2024. Ebook (Epub & Mobi). Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 320 Seiten
ISBN 103590490X
EAN 9781035904907
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Aria

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*Pre-order SPELLS, STRINGS AND FORGOTTEN THINGS, the bewitching new novel from Breanne Randall, now!*
The New York Times and USA Today bestselling author
For fans of Practical Magic and Gilmore Girls this charming debut novel and TikTok sensation is packed full of romance, charm and plenty of magic . . .
Revelare witches are cursed. As long as they use their magic, they are doomed to four heartbreaks.
So far, Sadie Revelare has experienced three - the devastating departure of her mother and the loss of her brother. And the most painful heartbreak of all: Jake McNealy, her first love. Ever since, Sadie has done everything she can to protect herself from more pain.
But now Sadie's beloved grandmother is sick. And without her, Sadie isn't sure she will have the strength to keep her family and her magic together.
As Sadie's carefully structured life begins to unravel, Jake returns to town after a decade away. And in the face of a final heartbreak that could tear Sadie apart, she must decide once and for all: is love more important than magic?
The perfect read for anyone looking for a cosy and warm, witchy novel to curl up with this autumn.
Perfect for fans of:
Witchy romance
Small-town settings
Second chance love stories
Readers LOVE Breanne Randall:
'Wow wow wow. A story of the heart!!! A literal dream. I love each and every word. I could see it all play out in my brain like a film.' - Amazon reviewer, 5*
'This book will rip your heart out, stamp on it, set it on fire, and put it back together again.' - Amazon reviewer, 5*
'I definitely escaped into the pages of this magical read.' - Amazon reviewer, 5*
'I was really drawn to the Practical Magic vibes this book gave off. I love all things full of love and witches.' - Amazon reviewer, 5*


Breanne Randall is the New York Times bestselling author of The Unfortunate Side Effects of Heartbreak and Magic. She lives in the sleepy foothills of Northern California with her husband, her two daughters, and a slew of farm animals. When she's not writing, you can find her wandering the property searching for fairy portals or serving elaborate stuffed-animal tea parties.

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