Brian Carisi

The Android Chronicle: Science Fiction

ebook Ausgabe.
epub eBook
EAN 9798215286142
Veröffentlicht März 2023
Verlag/Hersteller BEKKERpublishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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The Android Chronicle: Science Fiction
by Brian Carisi
The size of this book is equivalent to 194 paperback pages.
Androids from a distant galaxy invade the Milky Way - and the empire of mankind is on the brink.
The Terran Empire had become a galactic power factor. About 2500 inhabited planets belonged to it, and on further 1200 there were bases. The majority of mankind lived in this empire.
It happened in Terra-Town, the capital of Earth and the Empire:
Cloen Pontac entered the bungalow of the president of Terra, Arn Polo, after a brief check.
"Good to see you, Cloen," Pontac was greeted by Polo. Pontac was a general by profession, or rather a special general of the TA, the Terran Defense, the intelligence service of the Empire.
Pontac and Polo sat down at a small, round table that looked rather drab.
"May I ask why you called me to your bungalow of all places? And why you want to present the matter to me personally, when someone else could?" asked Pontac.
"You'll understand in a minute," Polo announced.
"You know the planet Katura III?" asked Polo now.
"As far as I know, there is only one base of the empire there. From a galactic point of view, Katura III is of no importance. At most Katura II, where several million settlers live."
Polo just nodded.
"Yes, no one was interested in Katura III until recently. Katura III is a desert world where there is almost no water in free form. There are also killer sandstorms that would simply bury a settlement. In addition, the planet is relatively unexplored."
Brian Carisi (Alfred Bekker) is a well-known author of fantasy novels, thrillers and books for young people. In addition to his major book successes, he has written numerous novels for suspense series such as Ren Dhark, Jerry Cotton, Cotton reloaded, Kommissar X, John Sinclair, and Jessica Bannister. He has also published under the names Neal Chadwick, Henry Rohmer, Conny Walden, Sidney Gardner, Jonas Herlin, Adrian Leschek, John Devlin, Brian Carisi, Robert Gruber, and Janet Farell.

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