Brigitta Davidjants

J.M.K.E.'s To the Cold Land

ebook Ausgabe. Ebook (Epub & Mobi). Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 160 Seiten
EAN 9798765103128
Veröffentlicht 12. Dezember 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury Publishing Inc

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This book explores the album 'Külmale maale' (To The Cold Land, 1989) by J.M.K.E. - the most legendary punk rock band in Estonia - concentrating on the meaning of the album in different sociocultural contexts from its release until today. In 35 years, the album has not lost its relevance: It was nominated for best pop music album of Estonia in 2014 and is listened to by all generations of punks.
The story of J.M.K.E. illustrates the subcultural organization not only in Estonia but in the Soviet Union in general, where pop music and the existence of subculture was more or less censored for 50 years. Broadly, it presents the influential role of pop culture in the transition from a totalitarian society to a liberal economy and from subcultural to post-subcultural society.


Brigitta Davidjants is a journalist and researcher at Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Estonia. She has published countless articles in various Estonian media outlets. In her academic research, she looks at Armenian national identity constructions but now focuses on the marginalities of subcultures. Davidjants has also written fiction and worked for human rights organizations (such as Estonian LGBT Association, Estonian Refugee Council).

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