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Whether in personnel development, management, employee leadership, human resources or management consulting, no one can avoid coaching anymore. Anyone who can coach therefore has a clear advantage. But what is coaching and what is it not? How do I become a good coach? What should I consider when choosing a coaching education? What factors determine success as a coach? How do I access the coaching community and how can I network there?
The audiobook "I want to be a coach" meets the growing need for personal development as well as the pursuit of meaningful work. It is a passionately written guide for anyone considering making a lasting positive impact for others and themselves in the role of a coach. It is an audiobook on coaching that provides compact information on the coaching profession and motivates people to choose the professional path as a coach. Entertaining and clear, it is aimed at listeners who want compact and well-founded information on one of the most attractive professions of our time.
Dr. Brigitte Wolter
ist Management Coach und führt als selbständige Beraterin das 2003 von ihr gegründete Institut brandinvest® Corporate Coaching. Sie coacht/supervisiert Führungskräfte zur optimalen Wahrnehmung ihrer Führungsrolle und Managementaufgaben, speziell in Phasen des Umbruchs und der Neuorientierung. Sie ist als Senior Coach und Coaching-Weiterbildungsanbieterin im Deutschen Bundesverband Coaching e. V., DBVC, akkreditiert. Weitere Informationen unter: