Brill Harper

Wrong Number Text (Love in Brazen Bay, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386249823
EAN 9781386249825
Veröffentlicht Mai 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Brill Harper
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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So wrong it's right...
When grumpy firefighter Leo finally answers the wrong number text he's been getting for several days, he has no idea pixels on a screen could be so hot—or make him want things he's never wanted before.
Dixie has always been quiet, shy, and reserved. Until she "meets" Leo. He's got the once shy librarian shedding her inhibitions and growing her confidence in their texts and calls—and it even starts spilling out into her everyday life. Part of her revels in her secret life—but part of her secretly wishes for more.
They never share more than first names, but each texting encounter gets hotter and hotter—and more intimate than either of them ever imagined. But you can't trust a stranger on the phone. Not really. You can't ache for something you've never had. And you certainly can't fall in love with someone you've never even met, can you?
Author Confession: Welcome to Brazen Bay, a small town I crafted just to explore that feeling of so wrong it's right. Just because something is forbidden or taboo doesn't make it wrong, does it? (You'd have to see the pictures on their phones to answer that.) Gruff Leo and sweet Dixie are perfect strangers and perfectly naughty when they let their guards down with someone for the first time. What starts as an innocent wrong number turns into something much more daring. Bonus points if you read this wrong number romance on your phone.


Unfailingly filthy...and super sweet Brill Harper is a pseudonym. Like...a secret identity. By day she's Clark Kent, writing romance books for young adults and grownups. By night, she's Brill Harper writing unfailingly filthy, yet super sweet books, that would make her alter ego blush. She especially likes to writes book about quirky, awkward heroines and alpha bad boys. Well, except that they are really alphamallows once they fall in love. Seriously--these heroes only have one weakness, and it's sticky, sweet love. They don't let anything stand in the way of taking what belongs to them. Ooey-gooey marshmallow hearts in big, burly dominating dudes. What's not to love about that? Brill's books are filthy/sweet for when you're in the mood for something a little over the top. Okay, a lot over the top. Sorry, not sorry. Brill Harper is represented by Deidre Knight of The Knight Agency.

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