Bruce Herman

Makers by Nature

Letters from a Master Painter on Faith, Hope, and Art. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 240 Seiten
ISBN 1514009811
EAN 9781514009819
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller IVP Academic
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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An Artist's Look at Theology, Art, and Philosophy
Dear Tom,
Thanks for writing again-and for this unusually philosophical response to my letter! In response: my theology of art is my theology. Period. I think of God as the Artist and all human artists as eternal apprentices. Consequently, all my thinking about God involves the centrality of beauty and the act of making. As I've said many times, we were made by a Maker to be makers. . . .
In a series of fictional letters, respected artist and educator Bruce Herman passes on wisdom to a younger generation. He explores a wide array of practical, philosophical, and theological issues, such as:
- What is art versus craft? What is good art?
- What is the calling of an artist? Of a Christian artist?
- What do you do when you're stuck in your creative process?
- How should Christians relate to the contemporary art scene?
- What is beauty, and how is it relevant in our world?Full of personal stories and behind-the-scene looks at Herman's own artistic process, Makers by Nature also features full-color artwork by Herman and several of his former students. Artists and art lovers will find insight, wonder, and encouragement to consider the Maker's invitation to creativity, however it takes shape.


Bruce Herman (MFA, Boston University College of Fine Arts) is a painter, writer, and speaker. His art has been exhibited internationally and is in public and private collections worldwide. He taught studio art for nearly four decades at Gordon College, where he held the Lothlórien Distinguished Chair in Fine Arts. He enjoys sailing, hiking, and carpentry and is married to Meg and has two children and five grandchildren.

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