C. B. Hanley

A Pale Horse

A Mediaeval Mystery (Book 9). Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 234 Seiten
ISBN 1803996676
EAN 9781803996677
Veröffentlicht 15. Mai 2025
Verlag/Hersteller The Mystery Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
5,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Midsummer 1221: a tragic death at Conisbrough sends Edwin Weaver and his friend Sir Martin on an unexpected journey. But a baffling letter follows them, one which plunges them into danger as they travel to the manor of Martin's estranged father, deep inside Sherwood Forest, to find a dying man who can only gasp out a few cryptic phrases. Edwin has his work cut out to solve the mystery, because none of those who had the most compelling reasons to commit the murder could possibly have done so, while those who had the opportunity had seemingly no motive. Martin, meanwhile, must try to reconcile himself with his family even as he remains convinced that he is destined to bring ill luck and death wherever he goes. Then another murder attempt is made, and Edwin realises he must work quickly if more death is not to be visited on the innocent.


C.B. Hanley holds a PhD in Medieval Studies specialising in warfare in the 12th and 13th centuries and its portrayal in contemporary vernacular literature. She has published an academic book and a number of scholarly articles on the period, and continues to write non-fiction history as well as novels. Between her first degree and PhD she spent some time working as a historical interpreter, which gave her a practical grounding in medieval life to add to her theoretical studies, which is very useful in adding background colour to her novels.

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