C. L. Stambush

Untethered: A Woman's Search for Self on the Edge of India--A Travel Memoir

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1736254103
EAN 9781736254103
Veröffentlicht Februar 2021
Verlag/Hersteller C. L. Stambush
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Publishers Weekly Review
"Captured in a confident tone and detail-rich language, Stambush's exploits are moving and memorable. Travel aficionados and those in search of an Eat, Pray, Love–style escape, take note."
BookLife Prize Critic
"... The prose brings India to life, evoking the beauty and the harshness of the landscape and its people—a mirror image of the author's transformative journey. Stambush portrays her metamorphosis in easy tones, and the adventure she includes will keep readers engaged until the very end. There is a strong emphasis on independence running throughout—a theme that is echoed in the vivid descriptions of the many sides of India."
Despite never having ridden a motorcycle in her life, journalist C.L. Stambush impulsively buys a Royal Enfield Bullet and sets out on a 7,000-mile, 5-month solo journey around the Subcontinent determined to discover her true grit.
Fraught with danger and near-death experiences, she encounters ominous men, confronts culture clashes, and narrowly escapes homicidal drivers. Along the way, she crashes her motorcycle, loses her camera, her way, and her self-control—crossing lines she never imagined possible.
In the end, will the price she pays be worth it?
Discussion questions in the back of the book with contact information on how to invite the author to participate in your book club's meeting.
Take a look inside now.

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