C. Rossler

The Spark Keeper (The Spark Keeper Chronicles, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230415831
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller C. Rossler
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe meets We Bought A Zoo in this comforting cozy portal fantasy series.
Her dream job has gone to crap. Her tiny apartment is barely livable. Her bank account is empty and her life is more work than play. Sorcha knows she needs to make changes but she doesn't know where to begin until a letter changes everything.
It's been more than a decade since she last saw Uncle Macbeth when Sorcha receives a mysterious letter from her long lost uncle. She learns she's inherited a mythical zoo, The Spark Menagerie, that no one's ever heard of. To prove the letter is fake, Sorcha goes looking for the impossible gate in a hidden alley brick wall. To her surprise, the bricks move and a gate does appear- finding her courage, she steps into a world nothing like her own, and her exciting new life, leaving boredom and under-appreciation behind.
Now she must take over The Keeper's responsibilities with no knowledge or training, and if she fails, all of humanity could be in jeopardy. To make matters worse, her assistant is a prickly fae creature who resents change in general, and Sorcha in particular-maybe because he finds himself admiring her wild spirit, deep determination, and optimism.
In a strange place she has a choice to make: will she accept her role as The Spark Keeper and all the responsibilities and challenges that come with it or return to her less than fulfilling but familiar life with normal human problems.
With the help of her new friends and those tasked with taking care of her, Sorcha and The Spark must face the threat of a black market run by wizard poachers hell bent on taking The Spark for their own personal gain, regardless of the consequences it would have on the human world, and they'll kill the new The Keeper to get their hands on The Spark.
That means Sorcha needs to make a decision and make it fast. Can she find the courage to face her own fears, doubts and insecurities? Does she have the skills to lead and protect the friends and chosen family she's come to love? Can she actually fulfill everyone's expectation that she will be the greatest Keeper yet?
Welcome to The Spark. A cozy fantasy world where the creatures of human imagination come to life, heartwarming friendships and created families fill our hearts with hope and love, and characters refuse to be boxed into unhealthy and toxic tropes inspiring our own healing journeys. Join our badass and relatable female protagonist as she battles self-doubt and insecurities while she leads the way to a brighter future.


C. Rossler writes cozy portal fantasy novels to escape reality and hang out with dragons and other mythical creatures. She lives in the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island, Canada (that's on the west coast, where it rains: a lot). She lives with her three adultish offspring and two furry barking boys.
When she's not writing, C. Rossler spends her time doing things she loves including studying and teaching historical sword fighting- Rapier and Dagger is her soul's delight.
She loves reading, writing, cozy video games and any art and craft she can get her hands on. She reads tarot and oracles cards and hosts large seasonal dinners to feed the people she loves. Some days you can find her in full cosplay: at Cons and in the grocery store.
You could say she lives her own cozy fantasy inspired life.
Want to escape with C. Rossler in her next cozy fantasy novel?

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