Cameron Hanes


How to Work Hard, Outlast, and Keep Hammering. Includes black-and-white photographs throughout and colored endpapers. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 304 Seiten
ISBN 1250279305
EAN 9781250279309
Veröffentlicht Mai 2022
Verlag/Hersteller St. Martin's Press

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Push beyond your physical limits to improve yourself by following bowhunter and ultramarathoner Cameron Hanes's lifelong philosophies and disciplines.
"It's all mental."
I say this all the time, and it's true.
If you believe you can do it, you can.
We all have virtually limitless potential.
Our bodies are capable of so much more than what we ask of them.
Take off the mental handcuffs, get out there, and start on your way today.
What is your passion? You can become better at it.
Committing yourself to fitness only fuels your beliefs.
You gotta believe to achieve.
Cameron Hanes discovered his true passion for bowhunting when he was twenty. Inspired by the physical challenges of stalking elk in the Oregon wilderness-traversing mountainous terrain, braving erratic weather, and evading his quarry's even more dangerous predators-he began an ever-evolving journey of self-improvement. To become the best bowhunter of wild elk, to the caliber he believed he could be, Cam realized he would need more than archery skills. He would need the stamina and strength that could only come from an athletic training regimen of long-distance running and heavy-weight lifting. And every day for more than thirty years, Cam has put in the work, building miles and muscles, pushing through pain with a single-minded focus on the only goal worth having-besting himself time and again.
Part memoir, part motivational manifesto, Endure reveals how Cam-a self-professed average guy-put himself through the paces to live the life of an expert bowhunter, respected writer, and family man. With discipline, sacrifice, resilience, a hard work ethic, and a belief in his own capabilities, Cam not only accomplished his dreams but continues to surpass them. There is no secret to his success except relentless determination and loyal dedication to his own self-worth.
If Cam can do it, we all can. Everyone has what it takes to endure adversity so we can rise above average, be the best we can be, and enjoy living life to the fullest.


Written by Cameron Hanes; Foreword by Joe Rogan

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