Canada Jackson

Soothsayer (Esoterics, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 9925754585
EAN 9789925754588
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Vala House
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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DEMONS - WITCHES - WARLOCKS - NEPHILIM - A Paranormal Romance Saga
Raised in the constraining clutches of a strict fundamentalist community, Salome is the embodiment of obedience and purity. She's spent her life playing by the rigid rules, trapped in an existence where a mere handhold is considered the epitome of courtship. Wearing the garb of the devout and carrying the weight of her salvation, she's always one misstep away from falling from grace.
Salome was taught from the moment she blossomed into womanhood that her body was a temptation to be concealed, a forbidden fruit that could lead men astray. The responsibility for preserving modesty and sobriety rested heavily on her, driving her to suppress her own desires and submit to a control so stifling it teetered on the brink of abuse.
But an unexpected encounter catapults her into the enigmatic realm of the Nephilim, where she crosses paths with the seductive half-demon, Braith. He embodies everything she's been warned against – raw power, captivating beauty, and empowering strength. With a single sweep, he shatters her conceptions of good and evil, leaving her questioning the truths she's clung to all her life.
Drawn to the allure of a life beyond the community's iron-clad doctrines, Salome contemplates joining Braith's coven of half-demon warriors on the brink of a cataclysmic battle against their malevolent kin. Yet, the prospect of becoming an immortal and potent "Daughter of the Night" promises a cascade of challenges that are as daunting as they are enticing.
Caught in a tug-of-war between her past and an unknown future, Salome's journey of self-discovery and freedom is riddled with uncertainty, danger, and the promise of untold power.
Soothsayer is a full length novel and book 1 of a 5 part series, but can be read as a standalone with a happily ever after for the main characters. It is not a quick steamy read.
Enchanting Battles and Mystical Alliances. Forbidden Powers and Eternal Love. A Supernatural Saga of Epic Confrontations. Dark Enchantments and Mythic Forces with Unleashed Magic and Otherworldly Romance. A Battle of Shadows filled with Ancient Prophecies and Celestial Warriors. Divine Temptations with Enigmatic Heroes suffering under Cursed Destinies.

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