Cara A. Smith

Scrapbooking As A Business

ebook Ausgabe. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 93 Seiten
ISBN 394368606X
EAN 9783943686067
Veröffentlicht August 2015
Verlag/Hersteller OTB eBook publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
1,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Scrapbooking has been around for years. Teenage girls have taped prom tickets to notebook pages and written their memories of the evening along with pictures and other mementos. We arrange photos into albums and perhaps label them with dates and other information. Scrapbooking as we now know it got its official start in 1980 by the Christensen family in Utah. These pioneers went on to launch the hugely successful company Keeping Memories Alive. It's been almost 25 years, but the scrapbook industry continues to grow at an exponential rate. And these past four years have really seen a growth spurt! In the last several years, scrapbooking has taken on a new life. No longer are these albums simply photos and labels or a couple of prom tickets taped to a page. Now they are elaborately styled memory books with fancy embellishments and features. Some people consider scrapbooking an art form, and when you look at some of these pages, you might just agree. Scrapbooking has blossomed into a billion dollar business. In fact, the latest figures reveal that it's now a $2.55 billion per year business - and that's only in the U.S.! If true figures were to be told, the amount would certainly be well over $5 billion. Many people are cashing in on the craze by starting their own scrapbooking businesses. There are many, many ways to make money if you love to scrapbook. The appeal of starting this type of business is easy to see. You can operate your business out of your home. You set your own hours working whenever you want. Satisfaction can be derived from the creativity that you can display. But perhaps the biggest advantage of starting your own scrapbooking business is that it can be done for a relatively small start-up investment. There are hundreds of places online that offer you the opportunity to pay them to show you how to start this type of business and some of them can be beneficial. However, all you really need to have is a love of scrapbooking and the desire to succeed by doing what you love. What we've done with this book is compile tips and tricks from people who've successfully started their own scrapbooking business. You'll learn so much in these pages: how to name your business, what supplies you'll need, what to charge for your services, marketing your business, and finding creative ways to get your name out there. You can pursue this business in many different ways. You can create pages for other people, you can sell scrapping supplies, or you can become a consultant for others teaching them how to do their own scrapbooks. Whichever route you choose, scrapbooking can be profitable and fun! Many people think the only way to build a business in the scrapbooking world is by opening a retail store - not true! There are more than a dozen other ways you can make a living in this industry and some of them are much more profitable than retail! Let's look at your options! Enjoy your ebook 'SCRAPBOOKING AS A BUSINESS!'

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