Carina Chocano

You Play The Girl

On Playboy Bunnies, Princesses, Trainwrecks and Other Man-Made Women. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0349005567
EAN 9780349005560
Veröffentlicht August 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Virago Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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We all know who The Girl is. She holds The Hero's hand as he runs through the Pyramids, chasing robots. Or she nags him, or foils him, plays the uptight straight man to his charming loser. She's idealised, degraded, dismissed, objectified and almost always dehumanised. How do we process these insidious portrayals, and how do they shape our sense of who we are and what we can become?
Part memoir, part cultural commentary, part call to arms to women everywhere, You Play The Girl flips the perspective on the past thirty-five years in pop culture - from the progressive 70s, through the backlash 80s, the triumphalist 90s and the pornified 'bro culture' of the early twenty-first century - providing a firsthand chronicle of the experience of growing up inside this funhouse. Always incisive, Chocano brilliantly shows that our identities are more iterative than we think, and certainly more complex than anything we see on any kind of screen.


Carina Chocano

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