Carina Chocano

You Play the Girl

On Playboy Bunnies, Stepford Wives, Train Wrecks, & Other Mixed Messages. Paperback. Sprache: Englisch.
kartoniert , 304 Seiten
ISBN 0544648943
EAN 9780544648944
Veröffentlicht August 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Mariner Books
17,00 inkl. MwSt.
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In this smart, funny, impassioned call to arms, a pop culture critic merges memoir and commentary to explore how our culture shapes ideas about who women are, what they are meant to be, and where they belong.
As a kid in the 1970s and '80s, Carina Chocano was confused by the mixed messages all around her: messages that told her who she could be--and who she couldn't. She grappled with sexed-up sidekicks, princesses waiting to be saved, and morally infallible angels who seemed to have no opinions of their own.
Chocano learned that "the girl" is not a person, but a man's idea of what a woman should be--she's whatever the hero needs her to be in order to become himself. Drawing from her years as a movie critic, Chocano unveils how stories in popular culture too often limits girls' lives and shapes their destinies. She resolved to rewrite her own story.
In You Play the Girl, Chocano blends formative personal stories with insightful and emotionally powerful analysis. Moving from Bugs Bunny to Playboy Bunnies, from Flashdance to Frozen, from the progressive '70s through the backlash '80s, the glib '90s, and the pornified aughts--and at stops in between--she explains how growing up in the shadow of "the girl" taught her to think about herself and the world and what it means to raise a daughter in the face of these contorted reflections.
In the tradition of Roxane Gay, Rebecca Solnit, and Susan Sontag, Chocano brilliantly shows that our identities are more fluid than we think, and certainly more complex than anything we see on any kind of screen.
"If Hollywood's treatment of women leaves you wanting, you'll find good, heady company in You Play the Girl."--Elle


CARINA CHOCANO is a frequent contributor to the New York Times Magazine and Elle, and her writing has appeared in The New Yorker, Vulture, Rolling Stone, and others. She worked as a staff film and TV critic at the Los Angeles Times, a TV and book critic at Entertainment Weekly, and a staff writer at Salon. Her humor book, Do You Love Me, or Am I Just Paranoid?, was published in 2004. She lives in Los Angeles.

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