Carlos Aparicio

Zygomatic Implants

The Anatomy Guided Approach. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 352 Seiten
ISBN 1647241774
EAN 9781647241773
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
169,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Zygomatic implants have been in use for more than two decades, and clinical follow-up studies have shown good outcomes. However this treatment approach is only now seeing a strong resurgence of interest because it can provide patients with a fixed dentition in a short amount of time without any grafts, general anesthesia, or morbidity from a donor site, even in challenging clinical situations. Thus, a technique of relative complexity becomes minimally invasive in its application. This book reviews the state of the art of zygomatic implants and outlines several new surgical techniques and adjunctive procedures. The authors cover the fundamentals of using zygomatic implants, including the rationale behind the approach, anatomical and biomechanical considerations, imaging of the zygoma, possible sinus reactions, contraindications, prosthodontic considerations, and management of complications. This book will arm clinicians with clear guidelines for using zygomatic implants in the rehabilitation of edentulous patients.


Dr. Carlos Aparicio MD, DDS, MSc, MSc, DLT, PhD
Dr Carlos Aparicio received his Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery degree from the University of Navarra in 1978, completed his postgraduate studies in dentistry at the Univeristy of Barcelona, and became a dental laboratory technician in 1983 at the Ramon y Cajal School in Barcelona. He received his Diploma in Implant Dentistry in 1984 from the University of Gothenburg (with Professor Per-Ingvar Brånemark as tutor) and was awarded a Master of Materials Science from the University of Barcelona in 1990 before receiving his Diploma in Periodontics from the University of Gothenburg in 1995. He was awarded a master's in biomedical research from the University of Barcelona in 2010, and became a Ph.D. in medicine (summa cum laude with international mention) in 2013. Dr Aparicio has written numerous articles for international journals. In 2012, he edited the book Zygomatic Implants: The Anatomy-Guided Approach (ZAGA). He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine in England and became an Academic at The Royal European Academy of Doctors in 2016. He is former president of the Osseointegration Foundation of the American Academy of Osseontigration. He received the Fonseca Award from the Spanish Society of Periodontics three times and was awarded the Simo Virgili Prize by the Catalonian Society of Ondonto-Stomatology twice. Today, Dr Aparicio is an International Teaching Scholar at Indiana University School of Dentistry and is honorary president of the Spanish Society of Minimally Invasive Dentistry, which he founded. His latest endeavor is founding the Zygoma ZAGA Centers Network in 2018 with the goal of spreading the ZAGA philosophy globally. Currently, he is sharing his knowledge as a senior consultant in zygomatic implants at Hepler Bone Clinic in Barcelona, Spain.

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